CMS stands for Content Management System; when you hire a freelance web designer in Singapore, they will provide the option for you whether you would like to build the website in Content Management System or a static informational website. As a business owner, you may be new to many terms in website design like CMS, … Continue reading “What is a CMS and Why should you use WordPress”
10 most common Logo Design mistakes to avoid at all costs
The rise of technology has widened the marketing place and many consumers are more keen in watching for the brands and Logo Design Singapore has gained more vital importance in Singapore growing market. Digital marketing is at its peaking and rising daily. It doesn’t matter whether you are starting to design your own brand now or looking to revamp your existing logo, here are a few of the most common mistakes you need to be aware of and don’t fall prey to the mistakes which logo designers usually make.

Is Logo Design so important?
Logo is the main part of advertising. Logos are the identity of your business, they can sometimes overcome your brand name. Yes, some brand logos are popular than its name Example, Chevrolet. Logos can help in remembrance and build trust. I think it’s not necessary to talk about the importance of logo, because we all know how crucial it is in this era of digitalisation. So in this article let’s learn the common mistakes while designing a logo and the causes of it.
Balancing color, imagery, and font design are the key elements that determine a good logo and a bad logo. If you think of your logo as your expense you might get it wrongly, think of it as an investment because for investments you should do a deep research and invest it in a proper way. A good logo can be created only if you give it the attention that it requires. If your logo looks amateur or ugly then, so will your business because logo is a projection of your company, hence it is important to be flawless. The following are a few common mistakes of logo designing.
1. Poor Font Choice
Choosing the right font for creating a logo is very crucial because fonts have their own personalities, so do the companies. Therefore, it is important to choose a matching font that suits your company’s personality. Going over the top with fonts might make your logo unprofessional and silly. There are several logo that has failed due to its fonts. Take your time in choosing your font that suits your business, you can also modify a font or even create a new one.
2. Using Raster Images
Using vector based software such as Adobe Illustrator or Corel Draw are the standard practice for designing logos, but a few amateur designers use raster software such as Adobe Photoshop. The problem with raster images are that they are pixel based and when reproduced or resized they will pixelate and lose its quality whereas a vector image is based on mathematical formulas, hence can be resized and reproduced without any loss.
3. Using Complex Designs
Some logo designers think that complexity is the key to uniqueness, may be complexity might bring uniqueness but what they don’t understand is that simplicity is the key to appeal to your audience, hence avoiding complex designs will make your logo look better. Using complex designs in your logo might also result in making the logo look ugly, when resized. All the top brands use simple logos, this shows the importance of keeping a logo simple.
4. Not Doing Enough Research
Logo is communicating about the brand’s essence through imagery. Research is the most fundamental step in logo design, hence it is necessary to set the direction right. As communication is the purpose of a logo, it is necessary to have a deep understanding or knowledge of what it is you are trying to communicate. Do a deep research, conduct a brand audit survey and get all your details before start designing.
5. Driven by Trends
Trend is something that only lasts for a very short period of time. So making a trendy logo is like putting a sell by date on it. A timeless logo will never be designed based on any trends because to be timeless, you have to design something that will be timeless but trends exist only for a short period of time.
6. Plagiarising designs
There is nothing more harmful than what plagiarizing can cost you. Whether it is intentional or not, plagiarizing might cause you trouble that can even sabotage your company. It is also illegal and can be taken action against. Although, it’s not possible to check with all the other logos in the world for similarities, it would be good if you cross check with your major competitors and also make sure don’t plagiarise anything intentionally.
7. Bad Color Choice
Finding the best suitable color for your logo is very crucial. Like fonts, each color has its own characteristics and it should match with the company’s characteristics. Initially, you can request your logo designer to work without colours on your logo design and you may choose to fill in colors at the later stage, say during completion. That way your logo will also look good without colors. It is also important to use your colour combinations right.
8. Designed By An Amateur
Amateur designers can only design amateur logos. You can go with amateur designers if you want an unprofessional cheap logo but no one wants that, so don’t go with amateur designers. Startups often spend most of their money on products and equipment, they do not go spend more on logos and web designs but what they don’t understand is that logos are a projection of their company and if it looks amateur so will your company.
9. Saving Your Design in The Wrong Format
Saving the design in a vector format like AI is necessary to reproduce or resize your design because your design is necessary to be scalable for using it in different platforms. Saving it in a raster format will result in losing quality when resized or reproduced. Therefore, this mistake might ruin the entire quality of your design so make sure you save it in the right format.
10. Not Following an Intuitive Process
Logo designing takes several process but there should be an order to every process. Therefore, it is necessary for you to create a step by step process that will suit you to create a logo. Although, there are many guides to create a process I recommend you do it by yourself because no one knows better about your company and employees than you.
You can easily overcome the above described mistakes by being delicate and careful throughout the process. The most important thing is to not rush and to not skip any process of designing a logo. Here is a step by step guide on how to come with a perfect logo design for your business.