Website Design, Poster Design, Flyer Design or any creative design needs images or illustrations to convey the message. A plain textual design may not be successful all the time. Your freelance web designer Singapore must have advised you on the importance of images in the website. Not just images, quality images are a must. Not … Continue reading “What are Royalty free Stock Images – A Beginners Guide to Stock Images”
5 remarkable web design tips to make your website extraordinary
“Website”, Have you read the word correctly? Did you spell check the word? Now, you did go back to read the first line to double check the spelling and do you know in this 10 seconds about a 100 websites would have been uploaded to the web. Every second counts and this is how the world of internet is getting updated every second with new information. Do you know that there are almost 1.5 billion websites online and 380 more websites are being created every minute.
But why? Why are these numbers are going crazy.
It is because of the growth of technology and the influence of the internet. Almost half of the world’s population are using the web, everyday. This is a tremendous growth even for such a tremendous thing as internet.
What would happen if the internet is shut down for a day?
Unimaginable can be the only possible answer, because we can be in an assumption of the consequences but only when it happens in reality we will know it for sure. But definitely it would be a nightmare.

A website cannot succeed through compelling web design or thought provoking content. It has to have a style that promotes user’s experience and functionality while being able to understand at first glance. They clearly understand how the web works and very choosy when it comes to online sources. Therefore, to impress such customers you have to stay competitive. You need to keep your web platform updated and trendy. Your web platform should be rich in feature, highly engaging and SEO friendly.
A website is a platform that connects you with your clients, therefore make it an engaging one. Website Designing requires a lot of process and there a several factors that should be taken into account while doing it. There is a wide misconception that a fancy website design can increase the conversion rate but it is wrong.
Then what is a good web design?
A good website design is not having some pretty pictures, it should solve problems, achieves results, and communicate a message effectively. So, here are a few tips to create a good web design.
Do you know when was the first ever website published?
On august 6, 1991 by British computer scientists Tim Berners-Lee published the first-ever website while working at CERN, particle physics lab in Switzerland. However, the internet was invented 22 years prior that.
There is a wide thought that web designing is an art and it can be nailed to perfection only by renowned website designers.
So, I’m writing this article for starters or Amateur designers who are desperately working hard to develop the knack of web designing.
1. Keep it simple
Yes! We like everything to be simple.
For example, if you want to know a route you would expect me to direct you in the simplest way possible, because otherwise you might end up somewhere else. Likewise, the customers visiting your website shouldn’t be mislead so make your web design simple.
Make them feel comfortable and give them a pleasant feeling. Don’t dump them with too much designs or content. People always prefer buying from places where they feel comfortable. Simplicity can make your website “timeless” and timelessness is important for a website to endure decades and still stay on top.
“Simplicity is the ultimate sophistication” Leonardo Da Vinci
Even though the phrase was said before 500 years it is still very much true and applicable to many fields not just web designing.
Simplicity is the key to web designing because complexity might mislead but simplicity will never.
2. Design with a visual hierarchy
Have you ever came across those memes which correctly predict which line you read first and which follows?
You would have amazed in every step of the meme but it is nothing magical. It’s just the psychology of the human brain
Human brain is easily predictable it has certain instincts that it acts upon , just like how in those memes your brain read the biggest font.
This is because visual hierarchy allows the viewers to identify the important content without having to read it. And the interesting part is that it happens in the subconscious level.
Therefore, if you can understand how exactly it works and its pattern, you can easily manipulate it for your use. You can make it read what you want to. So in this way you can design the call to action buttons accordingly and make it more appealing.
3. Use colors and fonts effectively
Color is a “superpower”.. Color can manipulate your thinking, change your actions and cause reactions. It can irritate or tranquil your eyes, attract or distract your mind, increase your blood pressure or suppress your appetite.
Colors can influence your minds and with colors you can do so much. Colors can also have a huge negative impact if its not used wisely. So you should learn the art of using the colors properly.
Do you know that each color has its own characteristics and they can trigger certain emotions as well.
Fonts are also a main feature of web design. Using sans serif typefaces such as Arial and Verdana are easier to read online. Don’t use more than 3 font sizes ad 3 font styles because it might affect the readability of your content.
Fonts play an important role in setting a hierarchy for your website because the human mind tends to attract bigger fonts easily. Therefore, by using several sizes of fonts you can set a hierarchy in your website.
4. Correct spacing and grid system
There is also another way to grab the viewer’s attention to a certain text other than font sizing and highlighting, it can be done by leaving ample of whilte space surrounding it, this is because the more white space around something, the more attention it seeks. But never use white space for unimportant elements because it might mislead the viewers. Giving enough space will also increase the readability of the content.
5. Effective content with compatibility
Contents are the information that you want to provide your customers, so make sure that you do it in an engaging way. Don’t dump too much of information on a single page. Set a hierarchy to your content, because your customers might get bored in a few minutes so make sure that you feed all the necessary information before they get bored. Using Search Engine Optimization or SEO friendly keywords in your content can make it popular on the web and increase your web traffic. Your content should also be readable because no matter how good the design is, texts rule the website as it provides the desired information.
Compatibility has become the key to web designing because the growth of technology has led to the invention of several digital electronic devices like smartphones, PC, Laptop, Phablets even smart watches. So it has become necessary to make a website compatible on all the electronic devices according to its screen sizes. Each mobile phones are in different sizes hence it is impossible to create for all sizes, although it is necessary to make it compatible to the largely used mobile phones.
Following these tips while creating a website will make it appealing. However, you cannot tell the quality of the website just by its looks, because like I said before, a good website design is not having some pretty pictures, it should solve problems, achieves results, communicate a message effectively and most importantly it should convert your audience to prospective leads. “Even a pretty design might not be useful” keep this as your motto while designing. It is very important to know human psychology, color psychology etc. These tips are just a just a drop in a glass of water, to understand web designing correctly you have no other way than to experience it. However, for starters, following these tips and reading other few articles of web designing might help you to create a good web design. Learn more, visit our website and study Choose a perfect color scheme for your Website Designing.