Website Design, Poster Design, Flyer Design or any creative design needs images or illustrations to convey the message. A plain textual design may not be successful all the time. Your freelance web designer Singapore must have advised you on the importance of images in the website. Not just images, quality images are a must. Not … Continue reading “What are Royalty free Stock Images – A Beginners Guide to Stock Images”
Types of Logo Design: What type of logo is right for your company
From choice of element to color, your logo says a lot about your company – so choose your design wisely.
Probably you are here in this article searching for Logo Design Singapore and is keen to know what are the available options in logo design and looking for an affordable freelance Logo Designer Singapore.

Confused of where to start with your logo design or may be need some better understanding of the types of logo available for your business, well I have many clients approaching me with the same questions. I have tried to detail the types of logo design and why logo is important for every business in this article.
From Nike’s “swoosh” symbol to twitter’s iconic logo, the world’s largest companies take good care of the logo to communicate their brands. These logos immediately connect to their business without seeing the names.
Why do I need a logo for my business?
A logo is important for every business be it any size because it reveals your identity. A logo marks the ownership of a product, imprinted on your products, website, name card your logo communicates the ownership of the business. A well designed logo communicates your customers who you are, what you do etc.
Potential customers may intend to do business with you and trusts if you have a professionally good logo designed.
Basic Types of Logo
A logo symbolizes your business, but do you know that there are different types of logo design. But how easy is it for a business to pick a good logo, well let’s see how.
1. Lettermarks
A lettermark logo is made of text, but based on the initials of the company or brand. Lettermark logos always convey simplicity. If the company has a long name, then lettermark logos are more efficient in conveying their brand name. Since the lettermark logo focuses on intials, the font your freelance logo designer uses to convey your brand should be based on your company theme, and also it should look more legible in namecard and the company boards where you print.
Few of the famous examples of lettermark logo are
CNN – Cable News Network

HBO – Home Box Office

2. Wordmarks
Wordmark logo design is very much similar to lettermark logo designs, except that it focuses on the company’s full name. Wordmark logo works well for businesses who has unique names like Coca-Cola, Google. A unique name combined with a strong typography is more important in Wordmark logo design. Clean and elegant fonts gives a high end look for the Wordmark logo design.
Few of the famous examples of Wordmark logos are
Coca-Cola Logo Design

Google Logo Design

3. Pictorial marks
A pictorial mark, element based or logo symbol is a graphic based representation. When you think of a pictorial marks logo, the image comes into mind first. Best examples of pictorial marks logo are the iconic apple logo, the twitter bird. Each of these companies are well established, and the symbol alone is easily recognisable.
The trickiest part in pictorial mark logo design is the choosing of image, if you hire a professional freelance logo designer, he would first do a research on your business and gather your idea about the logo you are looking to represent as this logo will be associated with the company as long as your business exist.
Pictorial marks logo can also look like geometrical representation like adidas logo or pepsi logo design, this is often called abstract logo design and is classified under pictorial marks logo design. Abstract logos doesn’t restrict itself to either birds or apples, instead you can create an imagery which is unique and recognizable to your brand.
Apple Logo Design

Twitter Logo Design

Pepsi logo design [Example for Abstract logo design]

4. Combination marks
Combination marks logo design as the name suggests is a combination of pictorial marks, wordmarks, abstract or mascot. The image and the font (company name) can be laid either side by side or top and bottom or over one another and it is the most popular logo design because of its uniqueness.
Some well known brands include Doritos, Burger King, pizza hut etc.

A combination mark logo best conveys your brand, if you are a startup or emerging business then you can opt for combination mark logo design as it best conveys your business name along with your pictorial representation. In the long run when your brand is famous and recognizable, then you can proceed to just include your icon as your customers will immediately recognize your brand without even your company name besides it.
5. Emblem
An emblems traditional look might be liked by many public agencies, schools, food and beverage industry. As the main focus of them would be in print materials and the uniqueness and richness it symbolizes when they do so makes it the most preferable logo type.
An emblem logo is usually represented by a font inside a symbol, these fonts as said make a striking impact to the customers and often preferred by government agencies, universities, schools etc. An emblem design need not be just a classic style, it can be modernized to suit your needs. Your freelance logo designer may need to put in additional effort to balance the detailing of the font while retaining the design. Emblem design should be kept simple and bold, as while printing the size of the logo shrinks and if the font and the design is not well balanced, it makes the logo hard to read on small print materials like name card design, letterhead design etc.
Starbucks logo design

How do I get my logo?
The best way to have a logo designed is to approach a professional freelance logo designer and have It designed professionally. Although there are cheap logo design services available online over web, the wow factor would still miss in the logo and looks like word art and foremost thing is your logo will not be unique.
If you are looking for affordable logo design services, then you can hire a freelance logo designer to get the logo designed. If you are not satisfied in hiring freelance logo designers then you can go for a reputed Logo Designer Singapore who has good track records.
How much does my logo cost?
Usually logo design ranges from S$100 to S$4000, the cost varies upon the freelance logo designers you hire. Normally cheap logo designs are not unique, you have a logo which few others have with a color variation or your preferred color. To know more of how much does a logo design cost or to know the fact why Logo Design Singapore is not always cheap visit my Blog “How much does a professional Logo Design cost”.
To end with
It is more vital to decide on the logo type you would like others to visualize about your business. Once you decide on the logo type which would best suit your brand work on the preferred colors for your company. Finally leave the imagination to the freelance logo designer whom you hire for the best output. With over a numerous graphic designers available, hiring a best logo designer is very crucial to get the best output. If you opt for a cheap logo designer then you are one among few hundreds, if you choose to hire a professional logo designer Singapore then you are best represented. At the end of the day, it matters how your brand makes an impression. I would catch up in my next article detailing the colors psychology for logo design.